Russia, St. Petersburg, Kontorskaya street, 11

A series of exercises: how the safety of the Volga-Don is ensured

In February, a series of exercises aimed at ensuring the protection of the structures of the Volga-Don Canal began at the largest facility of AN-Security Transport Security. We tell you how it was.

Ilyevsky hydroelectric power plant

Four training sessions were held at the hydroelectric facility, the last one was on March 10. Employees of the Transport security Unit (PTB) worked out actions when detecting offenders, a suspicious object, when detecting signs of laying an explosive device and when attempting to transport prohibited items and substances to the territory of the facility.

Marinovsky hydroelectric power plant

Here, the specialists worked out three topics: actions in case of injury by an employee, putting on handcuffs and using a rubber stick, the algorithm of work when detecting substances and objects prohibited for transportation to the TB zone. After each lesson, the managers analyzed the actions of each employee and gave grades: two "good" and "excellent".

Watershed waterworks

The employees ensuring the safety of the facility analyzed the actions of the duty shift when a suspicious object and signs of an explosive device were detected, and also worked out interaction during a fire at a checkpoint.

Reference: On July 10, 1952, the Government of the USSR issued a decree "On the opening of the Volga-Don shipping Channel". The 101-kilometer waterway connected the Caspian Sea and the World Ocean, provided access to five seas and became one of the most important infrastructure projects in Russia. In the 60th issue of the corporate publication "Territory of Trust" we published a report from the celebration of the anniversary of the Volga-Don.