The second season of the reality show Dubai Bling, which tells about the lives of super-rich people in Dubai, has started on Netflix. AN-Security has become one of the partners of the project.
The staff of the regional representative office "Middle East" ensured the safety of filming. The main task of the guards was to prevent outsiders from entering the set in order to avoid information leakage. We worked together with GBS Talent, a company specializing in talent selection and HR support for businesses.
Although filming ended almost a year ago, we were only able to talk about this case now. It's all about high confidentiality requirements. We look forward to continued cooperation!
The staff of the regional representative office "Middle East" ensured the safety of filming. The main task of the guards was to prevent outsiders from entering the set in order to avoid information leakage. We worked together with GBS Talent, a company specializing in talent selection and HR support for businesses.
Although filming ended almost a year ago, we were only able to talk about this case now. It's all about high confidentiality requirements. We look forward to continued cooperation!