2024-04-18 15:11

Dubai flooded after heavy rains. How AN-Security employees help

On#nbsp;April 16, the United Arab Emirates received two-year norm of#nbsp;precipitation. The authorities declared the orange level of#nbsp;danger. We’ll tell you how the employees of#nbsp;the Middle East representative office of#nbsp;AN-#nbsp;Security worked that day.

More than 140#nbsp;mm of#nbsp;precipitation fell in#nbsp;Dubai in#nbsp;one day, although the monthly norm of#nbsp;precipitation is#nbsp;3#nbsp;mm, and the annual norm is#nbsp;80.1 mm. This marked a#nbsp;record high for the last 75 years. The city streets were flooded, traffic was virtually paralyzed, classes in#nbsp;schools were canceled, many people were blocked in#nbsp;shopping malls, and 45 flights were canceled at#nbsp;the international airport.

Employees of#nbsp;the Middle East representative office provided maximum assistance to#nbsp;the management, residents and visitors of#nbsp;the facilities protected by#nbsp;our Company. Among other things, our colleagues took an#nbsp;active part in#nbsp;resolving the challenges caused by#nbsp;the hurricane and flooding.

"There have been no#nbsp;violations of#nbsp;public order. As#nbsp;of#nbsp;today, no#nbsp;precipitation is#nbsp;observed, city services are eliminating the consequences,"#nbsp;— pointed out Pavel Matveyev, Operations Manager of#nbsp;AN-Security.