2024-01-19 11:27

Caring scouts: a good story about security officers and an old lady

In Russia and around the world, a certain type of books called "Chicken Soup for the Soul" has always been popular. This series includes collections of motivating mini-stories on various topics: love, miracles, animals, family, and the like. Recently, a situation occurred in one of Yekaterinburg shopping malls protected by AN-Security, and this story — we are sure of it — can become a wonderful addition to the book series.

Monday is not only a hard day, but also a slippery one

One January morning, a woman of venerable age decided to walk through a shopping mall. But she slipped and fell ten meters before reaching the entrance. Concerned security officers noticed it through the glass facade. Any person could get a bruise after a fall, but we have an old lady around here.

Men immediately rushed to the unfortunate, and just in time. They escorted the woman to a bench, called an ambulance and provided first aid. It is for such cases that colleagues regularly study and train. After handing over the grandma to the doctors, the security guards made sure that the fall had no serious consequences and continued to ensure security at the entrusted facility.