Russia, St. Petersburg, Kontorskaya street, 11

High season for floating berths on St. Petersburg's embankments

The number of people wishing to take a boat trip has increased to several thousand people a day. All the central embankments and the whole center of St. Petersburg are full of strollers. This summer, some AN-Security employees are on duty at the state-owned floating piers. At the height of the season, they experience a colossal load.

"There are especially many Chinese citizens among the tourists. Russian musicians play for them on the Makarov quay. Songs are flowing, alcohol is flowing… How can we let it go without control?", says Vladimir Vershinin, head of the security management department of the North-West division.

The activity of floating piers is strictly regulated. It is very important to make sure that no one brings prohibited items onto the deck. It is also important not to allow large crowds of people on the pontoon. Vigilance and attention focus are especially required these days for our employees. But the increased workload is more than offset by the fine summer weather and beautiful views of our city’s rivers and canals.