2023-07-28 20:50

AN-Security Corporate University has trained employees of the main sports arena of Voronezh

AN-Security Corporate University has developed training programs for both internal staff and client employees. So, the training manager Evgeny Bezborodov went to Voronezh to conduct a lesson on the anti-terrorist security at the facility.

The customer of the training was the Central Stadium of Trade Unions. This is the main sports arena of the city. Anti-terrorist security plays a special role here, since the facility is certified according to the first category of "Football stadiums" standard and accommodates more than 32 thousand spectators.

In addition to theory, Evgeny demonstrated an algorithm for working with inspection equipment: manual and stationary metal detectors, a mobile explosive vapor detector. We share a video from the lesson, in which our teacher talks about the principle of operation of one of the devices.