2024-06-11 10:04

Representatives from leading transport security organizations, including our company, met to discuss the fight against UAVs

Unmanned aerial vehicles were one of#nbsp;the issues at#nbsp;the#nbsp;XV International Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition which was attended by#nbsp;312 enterprises and organizations, including AN-Security.
During 4 short exhibition days at#nbsp;Patriot-Expo in#nbsp;the Moscow Region, 100 business events and 75 showcase events were held. 20 thousand people, 204 representatives from 38 countries and 8 international organizations, including 31 high-ranking guests, visited the Exhibition sites.
One of#nbsp;the exhibits was entirely devoted to#nbsp;robotic systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. The Russian Ministry of#nbsp;Transport also hosted a#nbsp;roundtable discussion with transport security managers and leading anti-UAV specialists.